Categoría: Aviation



    The project TRANSIT is a research project funded under SESAR 2020 Exploratory Research. TRANSIT’s vision is that of a multimodal European transport system where the different modes are seamlessly integrated, so that passengers travel from door to door in an efficient, sustainable and resilient manner. Realising this vision requires coordinated planning and collaborative decision-making across […]



    The project The project IMHOTEP envisioned a multimodal European transport system where the different modes were seamlessly integrated, so that passengers travel from door to door in an efficient, sustainable, and resilient manner. Within this vision, airports would become multimodal connection nodes thanks to interconnected platforms and services that would provide a common vision of […]



    The project ITACA is a research project funded under SESAR 2020 Exploratory Research that sought to accelerate the development, adoption and deployment of new technologies in Air Traffic Management (ATM). To this end, ITACA developed a new set of methodologies and tools that enabled a thorough and comprehensive assessment of policies and regulations aimed at […]

  • Future UDPP Concepts

    Future UDPP Concepts

    Context During the Air Traffic Flow and Capacity Management (ATFCM) tactical phase, when the capacity of an en-route sector or at the destination airport is expected to be exceeded by the demand, flights are delayed at the origin airport and assigned new take-off times through ATFM slots. This results in the so-called ATFM delay, which […]