Nommon participated in CIT 2023

Javier Burrieza, Business Development Engineer at Nommon, and Jerónimo Bueno, Researcher, attended the Congress on Transportation Engineering (Congreso de Ingeniería del Transporte, CIT) 2023, an international event that has become a reference for the promotion and dissemination of scientific research and technological innovation in transport.
This edition took place in San Cristóbal de La Laguna (Tenerife) on June 14th, 15th, and 16th, under the title “Innovation in movement”, and the Nommon team had the opportunity to participate in two sessions in the space designated for technical presentations and discuss sustainable transportation, multimodality, and new technologies and data sources for mobility studies with various professionals.
On Wednesday, June 14th, Javier Burrieza presented the paper “Identification of long-distance tour purpose through ML-based data fusion technique for combined mobile network and survey data“. This presentation covered part of the work developed within the TravelInt project related to the characterisation of the travel purpose of mobile phone users through the fusion of mobile network data with passenger survey data using machine learning techniques.On Thursday, June 15th, Jerónimo Bueno presented the paper “Air-rail timetable synchronisation for seamless multimodal passenger travel: a case study for Valencia-Lanzarote door-to-door journey“, developed within the framework of the SESAR project TRANSIT.