Posts published with the tag Data Fusion

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The role of data in the new Sustainable Mobility Law in Spain

14.02.2024 · Javier Burrieza
The role of data in the new Sustainable Mobility Law in Spain

One of the aspects addressed by the new Spanish Sustainable Mobility Law is the role of data in the mobility ecosystem, introducing three key points regarding the management of mobility data: the Integrated Mobility Data Space (EDIM) as a common tool, the regulation of data-sharing mechanisms in the sector, and the generation of new use cases for mobility data linked to the development of evidence-based public transport policies. In this article, we provide a brief overview of these three instruments.

The least used station of Rodalies in Barcelona: Borgonyà

11.11.2022 · Javier Burrieza
The least used station of Rodalies in Barcelona: Borgonyà

A look over the least used stations in Spanish commuter railways [Part 2]

Transport planners often struggle to solve bottlenecks in saturated networks. However, sometimes the challenge is to understand why certain transport services remain underutilised. Our curiosity about travel behaviour led us to combine mobile network data, ticketing data and survey data to explore what is behind the limited passenger flow of the least used stations in the Spanish commuter railway network. On this occassion, we look at the least used station of Barcelona’s commuter railway system: Borgonyà.

The least used station of Cercanías Madrid: San Yago

28.01.2022 · Javier Burrieza
The least used station of Cercanías Madrid: San Yago

A look over the least used stations in Spanish commuter railways [Part 1]

Inspired by the brilliant videos from Geoff Marshall, we kick off a series of posts to look at the least used stations of the Spanish Renfe commuter railway systems, Cercanías Renfe. In this first article, we analyse the least used Madrid Renfe Cercanías stop: San Yago.